Visual Communication Analysis (VCA) and KIS Publishing Apps - Warning
We would like to warn you about a concerning problem.
ATSC has been made aware that there are people claiming to have been trained to use VCA or that they have apps similar to the KIS Publishing suite of apps who are not affiliated with KIS Publishing or ATSC.
This appears to be false information.
Trainers and users of VCA can only be certified by ATSC or KIS Publishing at present moment.
The KIS Publishing suite of apps is only available on a limited basis and is proprietary intellectual property that is NOT easily available or widely disseminated.
These therapists, businesses, schools, and their employees are falsely claiming to be versed and trained in VCA.
They are using our name, reputation, and image to get business from unknowing parents.
They may show fake, Photoshopped, online advertisements.
If anyone is claiming they have been trained to do VCA, please contact ATSC at 858-224-3629 in order to verify their status and confirm their certification.
Please inform us of any impersonators and we will attempt to take care of issues so that this no longer occurs.