We provide one on one therapy at our center in individual rooms for each person. For those who are able, we use traditional psychological treatments. For those who need a different approach, they are treated with the techniques of Visual Communication Analysis (VCA) using a unique treatment that is specifically designed for them in order for them to succeed.
Although our techniques were originally designed to work with children with autism, we have found these methods work well with all individuals.
If the person is nonverbal, we typically start by focusing on communication skills which include reading and typing. Research shows that lack of communication skills is a major cause of self-injurious and maladaptive behaviors. Our focus is on engaging the students in order to maximize the amount of time they are learning. VCA is also used to treat trauma with those who are not candidates for traditional “talk therapy.”
For those who are struggling socially or academically, we focus on building their self-esteem by using the techniques of VCA and satisfying their basic psychological needs. Repeated opportunities to achieve small successes lead to the realization of large successes.
Our Philosophy
- Focus on the client’s strengths until you have built up the their self-esteem.
- Behavior decreases when teaching communication by implementing the correct treatment and success criteria.
- We adamantly believe in the Scientific Method. We constantly take extensive data and modify our strategies to ensure that each child achieves his or her potential.
- We follow the principals of the Rosenthal Study ( Great Expectations. ) Assume everyone is capable and teach them accordingly.
- Keyboarding is an essential skill that should be taught to all visual learners. This skill is also a prerequisite for functioning in a future job environment.
- Visual learners do not learn sequentially. We teach them using a non-linear multi-dimensional approach.
- Autism and intellectual disability are not synonymous.
- Non-verbal means not able to verbally communicate. It does not mean unable to learn.