For the second year, the US Government reports that ABA does not work. In the biggest study on autism consisting of 15,928 individuals with autism, the government looked at improvements after 12 and 18 months of ABA services and concluded …
For the second year, the US Government reports that ABA does not work. In the biggest study on autism consisting of 15,928 individuals with autism, the government looked at improvements after 12 and 18 months of ABA services and concluded …
As the New Year approaches, I would like to extend a special wish to each and every one of our extended autism family. It is customary on New Year to wish you a year filled with health and happiness but …
What’s the Password? Having a secret “password” with your child could be a lifesaver. Come up with a simple, easy to remember word for a password and teach your child to remember it (if they are verbal) Tell …