There has been a growing trend of parents complaining that their autistic children do not want to go to school and that their kids have developed new behaviors to avoid going to school. This usually occurs when the child starts …
There has been a growing trend of parents complaining that their autistic children do not want to go to school and that their kids have developed new behaviors to avoid going to school. This usually occurs when the child starts …
According to the dictionary, linear learning is a “process of learning following a step-by-step progression where a response to a step must be given before another step is taken.” Unfortunately, most people believe that most autistic kids learn linearly. In …
When Ethan was very young, he hardly slept and always had the urge to run away. Luckily, we used to live in building with a 24 hour doorman and the doorman was always there to make sure that Ethan never …
Statistics is a scientific tool that is used to describe the characteristic of different samples and to help describe uncertainty. Like any tool, statistics can be used wisely or misused. Standardized tests are tests that are used to measure how …
When we lived in New York City, we had friends from Bangladesh who invited us over for dinner. When we arrived at their apartment, we expected to be seated at a table and be served food. They both had PhDs …
When Ethan was young, he had pica. Pica is when a person eats non-edible things such as dirt, rocks and leaves. In hindsight, I am grateful for his pica, as I was able to use this situation to mold Ethan’s …