If inclusion is the solution, why am “I” not included?

Posted by: Admin Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Socialization


wrong-placeToday I want to tell you the story about an amazing  woman I met a few years ago. She is  autistic, has no social skills but she is very articulate.

For most parents she is the poster child of academic success, she went to Harvard to get a PhD.  She came to the USA from China when she was 8 years old. In China, kids were expected to be seen and not heard, so the fact she was nonverbal went completely unnoticed.

On arriving in the USA, she entered an ESL program to learn English. It was only then that she made the connection between word and speech and began talking. As fate would have it, her school used a nonverbal visual test.

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What is Normal?

Posted by: Admin Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Autism 101


chopsticks eating-handsWhen we lived in New York City, we had friends from Bangladesh who invited us over for dinner. When we arrived at their apartment, we expected to be seated at a table and be served food. They both had PhDs from US universities and worked on Wall Street. It took us by surprise when we were seated on the floor in order to eat. We were given no silverware and were expected to eat with our hands. This was very unusual for us. I politely asked for a fork and knife, to which they smiled and obliged. To me, sitting on the floor eating with my hands is very unusual. However, to them, I was the peculiar one who requested a fork in order to eat. Neither one of our ways is the “right” way to eat. We simply learned different customs when we grew up, and to both of us, our unusual ways are “normal.”

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Weighted Vest

Posted by: Admin Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Sensory


vest 1vest wearingStudies have show that autistic children benefit from pressure on their bodies especially when they are overstimulated or anxious. Most autistic kids utilize some form of compression. The easiest and cheapest way to accomplish this is with the use of weighted vests.

My son Ethan wears the vest to calm him down. I can go out with him with the vest because it looks “cool” and nobody stares. Look at the beginning of Ethan’s Story, you will see that he is walking around with the weighted vest on, but nobody realizes it’s a weighted vest.  We allow Ethan to wear the vest for as long as he needs, sometimes as much as 6 hours. The vest enables him to focus and concentrate on the task at hand.

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To PECS or not to PECS?

Posted by: Admin Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Communication


The Picture Exchange Communication System, also known as PECS is a form of alternative and augmentative communication in which a child is taught to communicate using drawings of objects and actions that are on a set of cards. PECS was developed in 1985 and was originally targeted to individuals who had trouble communicating.

Before you can understand PECS you need to understand the different stages of language development as shown in the table below.


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Thank you PICA

Posted by: Admin Tags: There is no tags | Categories: Autism 101, Medical


When Ethan was young, he had pica.

Pica is when a person eats non-edible things such as dirt, rocks and leaves.

In hindsight, I am grateful for his pica, as I was able to use this situation to mold Ethan’s eating habits for the better.

In autistic children is usually occurs when they have low levels of minerals in their bodies   and is usually cured by adding zinc and other minerals to their diets.

We used Ethan’s pica as an opportunity to introduce vegetables into his diet.  We decided that if he would the green leaves from the garden then surely we could get him to eat vegetables.

Instead of fighting him not to eat from the garden, we decided to use his rebellious behavior and non-compliance to achieve our goals.

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By Dalia Shkedy—Ethan’s Mom

When Ethan first started High School, I was in his class for most of the time as I was training the assistants how to teach Ethan using my program. One day, unexpectedly, two special needs boys from the severe to moderate class came into the classroom.  One was pushing a large black garbage can to collect the regular garbage and the other boy was pushing a large blue garbage can to collect the recyclable garage.

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